Games like system shock
Games like system shock

games like system shock

It's by far the best way to experience a classic and understand why it's such a classic. But once you know about those things the game is 10/10. In terms of figuring out what to do, especially with the numbers in each node room etc I did already watch a YouTube video explaining that part, and upon starting I was initially very confused about how to complete the puzzles, so I had to look up a guide for that too. The graphics too are very pleasingly retro, and the gunplay feels tight. The feeling you get exploring and unlocking shortcuts and listening to the audio logs is pretty creepy but at least on medium difficulty the game doesn’t seem to be that unforgiving. In terms of figuring out what to do, especially with the numbers in each node This game is a blast from the past, and very addictive.

games like system shock

This game is a blast from the past, and very addictive.

Games like system shock