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Free for apple download Miranda NG 0.96.3

Turbo Studio updated their application to version to 17.0.886. click on "publish to local repository" at the end of screen program, download and install client.exe to turbo studio, after when you build your app, click on local repository and account isn't necessary! You build app on your pc!

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Ok, only for other user that have same problem.

free for apple download Miranda NG 0.96.3

Tanks to your reply! But NSIS isn't simple application.!Īnd turbo studio that required an account to build your new app.? You've try? I use NSIS to compile launchers and installers. I want create one folder app, one folder data, full registry value and one tiny. The prog work fine, but on "build" package required account on .Īnd you, what program use for create your portable app? I've try turbo studio and thinapp but this program create a full container prog.dat and prog.exe. Thank you for your update! Now work correctly! Thank you! Hi, when run studioportable.exe create a folder. You must allow launcher to write to registry (admin rights). I solved the problem with this command in script:ĮxecWait `attrib +h +r +s /s /d "$LOCALAPPDATA\Spoon"`

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No sense to backup only the folder "Spoon Virtual Application Studio" expecting it will backup "Spoon" folder. This version works on Windows 8 Ent.х86 ?ġ spoon creates folders: "Spoon" and "Spoon Virtual Application Studio"Ģ NSIS does not back up the folder: "Spoon", creating the folder "Spoon-BackupByStudioPortable"ģ At the end are the folders on the computer, "Spoon", "Spoon Virtual Application Studio" and "Spoon-BackupByStudioPortable"Īnd backup only the folder "Spoon Virtual Application Studio" at $ LOCALAPPDATA

Free for apple download Miranda NG 0.96.3