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In Star Wars: The Old Republic ( SWTOR), players take the role of a warrior in either the Galactic Republic or the Sith Empire. 14 ArcheAge UnchainedĪ long time ago in a galaxy far, far away lies the Old Republic, a time of representative democracy before Supreme Chancellor Palpatine established his Galactic Empire in the main Star Warsseries. Thankfully, some offerings like Archeage, Blade & Soul, Albion Online, and Neverwinter Online remain strong free offerings to get players acquainted with the wonderful world of MMOs. Unfortunately, some of the more acclaimed MMOs like World of Warcraft and FF14 are a bit heavy with their subscription options. However, players need to do a bit of digging and trial and error to find the perfect free-to-play MMO that meets their needs.Įdited on Jby Rhenn Taguiam: With 2022 remaining a strong year for MMO with new releases such as Enlisted, Lost Ark (for the West), and Skyforge, both savants and newcomers to the MMO might be looking for new experiences to sink their teeth into to fully explore the genre. Related: Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Must-Use Campaign Settings For Your Game TableĪs it turns out, players might be able to find a multitude of free-to-play MMOs with a lot of compelling features to actively compete against the likes of World of Warcraft. However, does this necessarily mean that there's no good free-to-play MMO out there? Unfortunately, not everyone has the means to keep up a subscription to enjoy a massively-immersive online gaming experience. Fans of MMORPGs, or massively multiplayer online role-playing games, have likely explored their fair share of Azeroth as adventurers in World of Warcraft or at least heard of it at some point or another.

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